
GR128 sweating on Saturday 13-5-6

A beautiful, slightly overcast day with expected temperatures around 20 degrees did us decide to hike from Berlare near Dendermonde to Aalst. Bus nr 54 brought us from Aalst railway station to the starting point just 1 km from the bus stop (30 min).
Soon after walking on some surfaced roads we were pleased to see the real landscape: low flatland with lots of ponds and mud pools. Of course in this time of the year with lush vegetation. The old courses of the river Scheld were clearly identifiable.
The weather was perfect with sometimes even a bit to much sun. At Appels we crossed with the free ferry, as sole passengers, the river and continue surrounded by fairly busy roads through the various Flemish villages to
Aalst. A beer and a view on the beautiful church of Mespelare (850 inhabitants en at least 2 bars) was a perfect rest stop. It took us another four hours to get to the car.

Distance: 36 km. Surfaced roads: about 50%. Little shade. Flat.

Personal rating: ***

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