
GR12 from Ukkel Kalevoet to Dworp.

The weather forecast and Simone’s physical condition were promising. Therefore, on Wednesday 12th September we took to the soutwestern border of Brussels at Ukkel Kalevoet’s dilapidated railway station. The chip key for the toilets contrasted the absence of basic hygiene but we got at least some privacy. Opposite the east entrance we found the red white markings and a little tunnel brought us to the west side of the station. Also contrasting was that, after a few hundred meters, we came into the woods!!! For the coming 1 or 2 km. we stuck to the eastern border of the Zenne lying 500 m down. Many a small paths ran between or behind

estates. From the dyke along the railway the 2 towers of the Beersel castle emerged from the fields. Unfortunatly the castle itself was closed between 12.00 and 14.00 so we only could admire it from the outside. This day the sun was gentle and the temperature perfect. (12-20 degrees). The undulating green hills were still hiding the subtle signs of autumn. The countryside and the alternation of woods and fields gave a real away from home feeling. Finally, we crossed the Steenweg op Alsemberg at a bus stop but we went to the Gildehuis pub in town and met some retired locals. Simone had no problems understanding them but I had to ask them regularly to repeat a sentence. Obviously we mutually enjoyed each others company.

The bus to Drogenbos took us in 20 minutes back to town.

Distance: 14 km. Slightly hilly.

Personal rating: ****

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