
Solo con perro.

Lokeren to Moerbeke. Just into Belgium. A bit sad weather with low clouds and mist. Only 2-5 degrees Celsius. Extremely simple trip: along an old railway track, the remainder follows the Moervaart, a winding canal to drain off the land after man build a big canal: that from Gent to Terneuzen. This canal prevented the natural run off of water.
100% flat. A restaurant/bar at start and finish and one in the middle too in case 14 km can't be done in one go.

Probably also a prerequisite for Belgian hikers.
Rating: ++


Sunday 13th November 2005.

Gr579: from Huldenberg (GR) to Bosut (GR) and on to Hamme Mille.
We left at 8.30 and took 1.30 hrs to get to Hamme Mille where the hourly bus No 344 of the Lijn dropped us 28 minutes later in Huldenberg, the starting point of our hike. Well marked (at times) and bright sunshine, freshly ploughed undulating fields with a hint of mist in the morning brought us 30 km later to our car.
From the most southerly point of this route, near the railway station in Tileul, we left the GR and followed for a short distance the railway, crossed a field and were friendly asked wether we were "perdu" when we walked a very quiet forest lane leading to a castle. We were equally friendly given permission to cross the estate. Past the railway we followed for a short distancethe main road from Waver to Leuven. App. 7 km on a back road we arrived at Hamme Mille. A tarmac road to the east of Bosut carried the well known red-white bars from our lost GR.
At darkness, tired after the 7 hr trip we sank into the seats of our Nissan Prairie.
Summary: Fantastic scenery close to Brussels. Alt.max: 104 m. Alt min: 35 m. Rating:****