
14th December 2008 LAW 5-1

From Kamperland (The Banjaard) to Domburg. A day with mist, clouds and north easterly winds.
I met up with Frans Spronk and at 11.00 we let the winds help us. Nature has beautified the dike connecting Noord-Beveland with the peninsula Walcheren. We walked the dunes, the desolate beach and the dune forest near the village of Oostkapelle. A bit of sun would have made this a perfect hike. Fortunatly rain was not on the menu today and we had a lot to talk about.
We ended the walk with steaming hot coffee in one of the few restaurants which dare to open in wintertime.
Partially due to the weather I took no pictures.

Distance 16 km. Personal rating: ****


. Around nature reserve Braakman.

It was Bitterly cold when the wind blew the 2 degree Celsius air outside the Chrysler which I parked at the east side of the creek. I found the familiar red/white markings all around me. They looked to me as to prevent hikers from getting on forbidden land. The few sun rays which at noon had soon disappeared. We crossed the dike and followed the muddy path.

The dog and I appeared to be the only creatures daring to get out. After app. 1,5 km we were on the tarmac again and followed the dike which in 1952 made the Braakman creek a lonely widow. Staatsbosbeheer, the land owner is landscaping the area for some years now. But from what can be seen it looks promising.
We took a short cut through the forest at the western side of the lake. The pleasure was short. The remaining 4 km was tarmac again until we reached the car. It was good to be protected from the elements.

Trip rating: *** Distance: app. 12 km. Flat