
The last leg -the power of the Peel

I still had to walk the final stretch of the Sniederspad ­­from Bladel to Retie. Frans Spronk had chosen Tuesday the 16th October 2007 for this event. We parked our cars halfway between Retie and Kasterlee and also at Bladel from where we took off. After a few hundred meters the typical Peel landscape with its unsurfaced roads made me feel in another world. Or was it a reminiscent moment of the holidays with my aunt at the village of Best in the fifties? The wide sandy paths were lined by pine woods and corn fields.
The temperature was around 12 centigrade with a slight overcast sky. We walked and talked and enjoyed the surroundings. The Peel and Reusels’ heath and its curious man made 540 m big “grote cirkel” are typical for the area.

The E40 motorway and a 1934 signpost marked the Belgian-Dutch border but the typical sandy and marshy landscape remained the same.

We walked along the marchy wooded borders of a litlle stream near the channel from Antwerpen to Turnhout. For the first time after summer the sun reached the forest floor awakening beautiful mushrooms and warming old pensioners and the occasional dog.
The almost straight sealed Goorstraat near Retie looked very suitable for car racing youths but this 3 km long road was fairly quiet and Mississippie was not even leashed most of the time. After Retie, sunset played a serious but astonishing game with the forests and fields.

In almost darkness we arrived at the car park at the crossing of Reties Heike and the Desselse baan. The trip was a near perfect one with app. 80% non surfaced roads and beautiful scenery.

Distance walked: 35,2 km. Avg. operall speed: 4,4 km/hr. Duration: 8 hrs.
Personal rating: ****

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